Pixels of the Week – March13, 2015

Pixels of the Week – March13, 2015

This content is 9 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks.

This week’s selection: somes really nice tips to create accessible color pallets, articles around the mobile world (design, responsive, typography), client designer relationship, a cool WebGL experiment and animation inspiration, SVG ressponsives and UX design.

TL;DNR the one you should not miss

#Color #a11y

Some nice little color tricks here: Color Contrast for Better Readability    and tips to add Colors To Your Palette With Color Mixing

palettes de couleur accessible

Interesting article

#Fuck you pay me

To get paid you can punch clients (on the site, not irl) or read the ebook


Coding Like a Girl, on how women are percieved at conference and in the industry when they dress in a feminin way.

#Responsive #Typographie

Responsive Typography, Clarissa Peterson’s slides at confoo on how to handle responsive typography

Responsive Typography


If you like to listen to people: Improve Your Mobile UX with These Six Podcasts (with transcript)


Tools for Mobile UX Design: Task Flows


Beyond Blue Links: Making Clickable Elements Recognizable

Beyond Blue Links: Making Clickable Elements Recognizable


Designing mobile apps for cross-platform continuity, Stumbleupon redesign for iOs and Android

Designing mobile apps for cross-platform continuity,


Mike Monteiro’s Keynote at Interaction Design Association

La Keynote de Mike Monteiro’s Keynote


Inspiration and Great ideas


Powerful domestic violence awareness campaign by the Salvation Army using #TheDress buzz

The Dress


Screencast: UI Animation Reviews – Web Navigation, another great screencast with some really nice inspirationr


V, you can do really nice things with  WebGL

WebGL experiment

Designer Great news

#Dev Tool

More designer friendly dev tools in Chrome? Yes, yes and YES please



Interacting with  SVG, nice step by step

Interacting with  SVG


SVG Sprites and Icon Systems Are Super a quick article explaining the basic usage of the use element

SVG Sprites and Icon Systems Are Super

#Interaction Design

The 5 laws of Interface Design, a free online class (recording will be available soon)


I like they way Lucas Bebber decomposes and explains the gooey effect in SVG


Useful ressources


Design Research Techniques gathered in an online repository

Design Research Techniques


Online free Stock Photo search tool with a Browse by Color function. Could be useful 🙂


Fun, games and impressive demos


Could watch this all day long: CSS dancing tree

 CSS dancing tree


A flipside confirm button, pretty nice